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April 15 2024
Energy metabolism is a crucial aspect of dairy cow physiology, playing a central role in supporting various physiological functions, milk production, and overall health
March 11 2024
Forage quality tops the list for important contributions to the health and profitability of all livestock but often remains an afterthought
Feb. 29 2024
Milk’s combination of minerals, sugar, protein, fat, and water helps your body absorb and retain fluids necessary for sufficient hydration
Feb. 19 2024
In the realm of beef cross calves, the presence of beef genetics imparts inherent advantages, promising greater consistency and robust muscling when compared to their all-dairy breed counterparts
Feb. 13 2024
If you don’t tell your story, someone will tell another story
Feb. 6 2024
Cow location technology can help reduce frustration, stress and lost time spent seeking specific animals
Jan. 12 2024
It is common for producers to experience lower butterfat tests and higher numbers of butterfat inversions this time of year
Dec. 6 2023
Partnerships developed by Dairy Management Inc. and the dairy checkoff drive sales of dairy products at restaurant chains across the country and around the world
Nov. 22 2023
Robots provide critical data insights to help you be a better herd manager
Nov. 3 2023
The Animal Agriculture Alliance’s recap of animal rights conferences in 2023 revealed certain tactics these groups plan to use to advance their agendas in the year ahead
Nov. 2 2023
Replacement heifers are one of your most valuable assets on a dairy farm. They are the future of the milking herd and ultimately determine the longevity of your entire herd and business
Oct. 26 2023
Building trust with students and food service leaders helps secure dairy’s place on school menus
Sept. 29 2023
You can expect more consistency from cow to cow with any automation product. But successful implementation is not possible without thoughtful planning, preparation and follow-up
Sept. 18 2023
Datamars Livestock, a trailblazer in the field of Smart Farming, is leading the charge with a suite of cutting-edge solutions that are transforming the way farmers manage their livestock
Aug. 30 2023
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. My nearly one year old son just began walking. To be fair, he is just taking a few steps and falling on his bottom, but I’m counting it! Watching...
Aug. 7 2023
With much of the Midwest facing limited rainfall and dry conditions, expected forage yield and forage inventories are an area of concern
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July 25 2023
County and state dairy promotion programs were created to help promote the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products to consumers
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
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April 12 2023
What’s the saying . . . don’t let a good crisis go to waste? Unfortunately, crises happen in the dairy industry more than we’d like, and we learn something from each and every one
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April 7 2023
If you have studied animal or dairy science in college in the last two decades, you may have had the opportunity to compete in the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge